Life is full. Full of appointments, schedules, meals, little moments and big moments, laughs, surprises.... the list goes on. And this is what makes life so beautiful. But at times it is hard to see it that way, you get lost in the chaos and miss the joy.  If you are nodding your head along with me....welcome! You are in the right place. 

As a mom of two, and both my husband and I working outside of the home, add in friends, family, school and extra curriculars, I get it!  Forgotten homework and lunches, rushing in and out of the house and even forgetting to take a moment to breath. But I have found success in simple routines, environment changes and mental shifts, leading to a full life rooted in gratitude and joy, rather than struggling through the chaos. 

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hello. I'm Kristina!


notebooks, pens & markers


trees, mountains & blue skies

real moments


gorgeous florals

from busy to joyful

make the shift...

Design & Create

Be Here

Create a ripple effect, share these two gifts freely, to yourself and others. 

Understand the influence you have in your perspective and environment. 
Embrace your ability to impact both. 

Embrace your influence

Lead with gratitude to unlock the fullness of life. Allowing yourself to enjoy the simple and see the beauty. 

The past and future are both valuable, but the most powerful is to be here.  

Move beyond the dream boards and wishes,
take action in creating the life you were made for. 

Focus on Gratitude

Spread Kindness, Give Grace

MFD Values & Beliefs